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Women in Dairy - New Staffordshire Group

We would like to invite you to a Women in Dairy discussion group on Wednesday 30 September.

Women in Dairy is an initiative from Promar International, RABDF and supported by AHDB Dairy.   This initiative is designed to bring women working in our industry together through regional meetings for training, networking and to promote the dairy industry, recognising that women often have quite different roles within a farming business.

Farming can be very isolated, so this is a chance to get off the farm for a couple of hours and meet other ladies in a similar situation to you. Sarah Bolt, AHDB Dairy senior extension officer will give a talk on best practice in calf rearing and how to implement some of the latest research to ensure a good return on investment.

There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion and if people would like to meet again, we can arrange more meetings on topics that interest you. We have ideas but we are sure you will have plenty of your own, and we hope you will be able to join us for what promises to be a very interesting day.

To book your place at this event, please contact Judith Stafford on 07891 556623 or