Note from Matt - August 2022

Behind the scenes, at the RABDF, the team is busy beavering away preparing for the various events, courses and competitions we run. Of course, there is never a quiet time in the calendar, but it’s rewarding when we see the months of planning and organising come to fruition.

We have just started the search for our 2022 Gold Cup winner, which will be announced at Dairy-Tech next year. Entries for the competition have now closed. Our judges will be going through the swathes of entries and selecting their final six to visit at the end of this year.

There’s a great deal of optimism in the industry, which is great to see and has been reflected in the level of entries we’ve had this year. Long may it continue!

Next month sees the start of our Entrepreneurs in Dairying course, offering expert training and networking to young farmers across the country. 

The training covers topics such as understanding the milk market and supply chain, tax and trading, people management, business planning, finance, and future opportunities. 

Aside from the expert knowledge students gain from attending this course, some of the most valuable learning comes from the networking and mentoring opportunities forged during this course. More than 300 delegates have attended in the nine years it’s been running, including the likes of farmers such as Abi Reader.

We are fortunate to have some paid places available thanks to sponsors First Milk, Saputo and for anyone living in Yorkshire, from the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. The deadline for applying for the course is 10 September. To find out more information and to apply, go to or email 

Next month also sees the return of the first face-to-face Women in Dairy Conference since 2019. This year’s theme is Motivation for Change and features speakers such as Barbara Griffiths, who will talk about her turbulent journey in the industry and achieving success. Clinical Psychologist Dr Hannah Vickery will also lead a workshop session to support attendees to reflect on the motivations of themselves and their staff; to develop their skills as empowering, motivating leaders who inspire teams to take a solution-focused approach to challenges.

Stand sales are also going strong for Dairy-Tech 2023, and the wheels are also in motivation for the next Down to Earth event, which will take place next year. The location and date are still to be finalised. 

We are always interested in hearing your feedback and suggestions for any of the events and services we offer, so please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing

 All the best,
