Note from Matt - January 2024

Excitement is building at Dairy House as the countdown to Dairy-Tech 2024 begins. With only a few weeks away from the UK's largest dairy event, we are simply dotting the I's and crossing the t's to ensure we bring you the best event yet.

As usual, we will be showcasing the latest tech and innovation hitting the dairy market. And with grants out there to help subsidise new technology and kit, there's no better time to come along and see for yourself what is on offer.

We even have help to talk you through the latest grants and schemes available to support these investments, with a whole session dedicated to this starting at 14:05 in our Innovation Hub. Adam White from Barclays will also offer some advice on funding for investment, with a talk on the tax relief that can come when investing in innovation.

We also have some fantastic speakers lined up in our Dairy Hub, kicking off with two speakers from Google, giving us insight into the future consumer. Our panel discussion with processors about the dairy markets and what we can expect for 2024 is one session not to be missed.

We are incredibly excited about bringing you an international perspective from New Zealand when Hillary Curnow, Agriculture Counsellor, New Zealand High Commission, will share with you the approach they are taking to meet strict on-farm emissions targets.

Don't forget, as RABDF Members, you receive two free tickets to Dairy-Tech. We look forward to welcoming you there.

We are also excited to announce Down to Earth is returning for the third year and will be taking place on 3rd July at award-winning Grosvenor Farms in Cheshire.

Grosvenor Farms has been chosen as the host due to its ability to demonstrate firsthand the intrinsic benefits of a whole-farm approach. They were the 2023 overall winner of the Cream Awards, where they were recognised for reducing the carbon footprint of their activities, improving carbon sequestration and enhancing biodiversity.

Down to Earth is designed to offer something for everyone interested in profitable farming and transitioning towards more environmentally acceptable systems. Keep posted in future Milk Digests for more information, or visit

We have some exciting plans progressing in the background as our new RABDF Chairman, Robert Craig, gets stuck into his role. We look forward to keeping you updated on these in due course.

This month, we also welcomed a new member of staff, Ben McAdam, to the team. Ben joins us as an Events Programme, Membership and Social Media Coordinator, so he will become a familiar face at the events we have planned for this year. Do call by our stand and say hi. 


All the best,



RABDF Managing Director